1FMFU18L44LA34283 FORD EXPEDITION 2004 - Vehicle history report

Title & Condition

Retail value
Has Keys
Without Keys

Technical Specs

Odometer, mi
5.4L 8
Drive line
4x4 w/Rear Wheel Drv

No similar cars were found at the auction.

No similar cars were found at the auction.

About Lot

FORD EXPEDITION 2004 VIN 1FMFU18L44LA34283 History Report

Until 1954, there was no one base with motorcar numbers. This made issues in identifying autos that were stolen or implicated in a crash. This was until 1981 when the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration in the USA developed uniform requirements for vehicle identification numbers.

The VIN 1FMFU18L44LA34283 code is the vehicle's identification number or serial number, consisting of 17 unique symbols.

When selling an automobile, motorcar owners constantly attempt to hide certain data about the vehicle. The VIN code gives complete information about the record of repairs, care, distinct defects, stealing, and odometer rollbacks. You may observe pictures from distinct angles and choose the quantity of owners.

EXPEDITION 1FMFU18L44LA34283 Bid History at COPART

Before you comprehend how to select a FORD EXPEDITION 1FMFU18L44LA34283 at an auction, you should consider the principal features of this vehicle. Select in advance on the cost category, body kind, gearbox, etc. The principal facts for choosing a used FORD EXPEDITION 1FMFU18L44LA34283 are:

  • photograph;
  • mileage;
  • actual age;
  • technical condition;
  • type of sales document.

FORD EXPEDITION 1FMFU18L44LA34283 Detailed Information

One of the main chances when purchasing an automobile at an auction is the requirements for warranties. Auctions are not responsible for the car's condition and do not assure its performance. Therefore, before bidding, studying the auto and inspecting its record and details entirely is required.

What you need to pay attention to:

  1. Vehicle Type - AUTOMOBILE
  2. Make - FORD
  3. Model - EXPEDITION
  4. Year - 2004
  5. VIN - 1FMFU18L44LA34283
  6. Lot Number - 71122992
  7. Primary Damage - BURN
  8. Secondary Damage -
  9. Auction Name - COPART
  10. Auction With Country - COPART USA
  11. Sale Status - Not sold

The VIN Cleaner Service

Never miss the opening to start over. With the assistance of the CleanAutoHistory history cleaning service, you can remove all the unfavorable factors that may Impact the price of the car. Leave a request on the site cleanautohistory.com and order a vin cleaning service. Within 6-8 working days you will receive a fully cleared VIN history of your vehicle.


What is a VIN number, and why is it important?

VIN code is an individual vehicle code consisting of seventeen characters numbers and letters. This code holds details about the plant, motorcar parameters, and the date of leaving the assembly line. The identification number is assigned at the plant, and it is banned to adjust it throughout the entire period of operation.

Is it possible to use a VIN number to determine if a car has been in an accident?

Decoding the VIN on the verification website will demonstrate if the motorcar was involved in a crash.

How to check FORD EXPEDITION 2004 VIN number?

To check a car by VIN-code, you require go to the site of our service.